ATS Repo

ATS Repo and System Updates


We are at a point in the Migration where you can now log in and re-configure your computers and mobile devices! Please VPN in (if not in the office) and then follow the user guide while using the Migration Utility

You can find the Migration Utility, User Guide and Known Issues here:

ATS Automation, ATS Inland NW, ATS Rocky Mountain


ATS Waypoint


Contacting IT Helpdesk

[email protected] is back online. Please submit a ticket accordingly.

We still have outstanding Migration tasks underway to include:

  • Background final synchronizations of Teams, Sharepoint and Onedrive (Some items that may appear missing will show up over the next few hours to day)
  • Teams Email addresses are being switched back to their originals from the placeholders “”
  • Shared Mailboxes may not be linked back to you yet
  • Certain Distribution list emails may not function until later in the week